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Although most European countries, Canada and a number of other markets have adopted mandatory Chip & PIN on physical card payments, removing signature as a form of authentication, there are many markets around the world that are yet to go through this transition - most notably the USA. But the pace of adoption of Chip & PIN is heating up, for example many markets in Asia will be going through this transition over the next few years, with the intentions of, and mandates from, the relevant Central Banks and/or international card Schemes already published.
Even though each market is different and has a distinctive history or legacy surrounding its card payment system, before embarking on the Chip & PIN transition it is worth reviewing what has occurred elsewhere and the learnings from countries that have already “been through the change”. In this regard, the Airline Information is pleased to be able to provide access to “PIN@POS: Australian Case Study” - please click here for a free download.
The payments consulting team of the RFi Group led the PIN@POS initiative on behalf of the Australian card industry, culminating in the removal of signature on 1 August 2014. They have written the Case Study based on their detailed knowledge of a two and a half year journey to PIN@POS, and it provides valuable information for those already on or about to start down the same road. Indeed, readers contemplating an industry-wide coordination of any sort may derive benefit from this case study. We hope that our readers can benefit from these learnings in their own implementation efforts.
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