Ai’s Thought Leadership section is our way to keep you informed and inspired!
Travel and flying are (usually!) all about fun. And airlines, along with various stakeholders, strive to sustain the joy of flying and travel.
But keeping pace with today’s consumerism is complex. Today the blend of technology, content, data, analytics and cloud promises to transform the experience of flying.
Our editorial covers loyalty, ancillary merchandising co-brand cards, payments and fraud. You can click on any of the sub menus to have quick access to all our articles in these areas.
Count on us as your resource for everything from high-level insights to articles gauging the pulse of the travel industry.
Be it for the next idea, embracing change in this dynamic and unique industry, targeting new sources of revenue, combating fraud or delivering a superlative experience, Ai’s articles touch upon such relevant areas.
We are also open to suggestions/ feedback.
We intend to nurture a platform for a constructive dialogue that results in customer-centricity.
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Happy travelling
The Ai Team