Ai Video: Jay Sorensen on Branded Fares

First Published on 28th August, 2017

Branded fares allow a traveller to upgrade his or her experience. Travel shoppers aren’t always after the lowest fare; in fact a considerable set of travellers are open to paying for a premium for more comfort and convenience.

Among a number of factors that go into finalizing branded fares, a basic criterion that is applicable is to go ahead with 3 options. “Research has shown consumers are more tempted by a “middle choice” when three are presented,” says Jay Sorensen, President, IdeaWorksCompany, who referred to SWISS’ way of presenting the same. “SWISS adds to the attraction by flagging its Classic fare as “recommended” and using a visually larger display box.  The features for each fare are listed in a simple and transparent style,” he said. 

It is also recommended that focus should be on simplicity, for instance, add bullet points to list the features associated with each branded fare product. Avoid generic display of information that isn’t directly related to the decision-making of the traveller.

Sorensen also mentioned that the basic premise of choice needs to be supported by apt pricing strategy, and the price distinction needs to be consistent irrespective of the starting price of the base offer. Other areas of consideration include whether to set up itinerary flexibility into the branded fare choices or not, the profile of ancillary items in terms of their margin, excusive service or ancillary item that isn’t otherwise available for sale etc. 


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